Inground Pool Removal

Inground pool removal requires the expertise and care only a pool removal specialist with decades of experience can provide. The pool removal crews at Petruzzelli Bros. are specially trained to tackle the biggest and most difficult to remove pools from custom rock pools to steel reinforced pools to above ground.


We are in-ground pool removal specialists

Petruzzelli Bros is a licensed home improvement contractor in NJ. We perform pool demolition projects across New Jersey, you can count on us to get your pool removal project. All consulatations and estimates are free on all pool demolition projects. We take care of all permits and schedule all the inspections with the proper town officials prior to the beginning of the job.


We drain your pool, remove any fencing for easy access, and reinstall it after the job is completed. We have licensed electricians on hand for all pool removal projects to safely disconnect electric service to the pool, as well as a licensed plumber to disconnect the gas lines for any pool heaters.


After the pool is drained and the utilities are safely disconnected, we start the demolition of the pool walls and structure. We take extra care to remove all concrete and debris off site. Other pool removal companies bury the concrete, but Petruzzelli Bros. believe that burying any concrete is a potential problem for the future, due to ground settlement or any future home additions.

We perform all in-ground pool removals without noisy jackhammers that kick up lots of dust, and we do not charge additional fees to remove the concrete off-site. All the concrete and debris is hauled to a licensed disposal facility which issue proper paperwork required by town building codes.

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Filling in a Pool Removal

Once the debris is removed, we use certified clean fill and compact the soil in layers to eliminate any settlement. Our company uses the latest modern laser technology to establish proper grade elevations to ensure efficient drainage for the new soil. After filling, we install a layer of certified screened topsoil. Then hand rake, seed, fertilize and install shredded straw for stabilization over the topsoil. We take care to fix any ground disturbances caused by our pool removal equipment.


All of our materials are environmentally friendly. Petruzzelli Bros is a family owned business, with a family member on site from start to finish. We use no sub-contractors and perform all in-ground pool removal services.

The Petruzzelli Bros. Guarantee

We encourage you to ask for references from our many happy and satisfied customers. Final payment is not requested until all final inspections are approved by local town officials.


No matter what type of pool you need to demolish: concrete, steel, vinyl or fiberglass Petruzzelli Bros. is the right choice.

We Remove All Types of Inground Pools

  • Concrete
  • Steel-Reinforced
  • Vinyl-lined

Trust Petruzzelli Bros. pool removal experts to demolish your in-ground pool and quickly the remove the remaining debris. Reclaim your yard and reduce your property taxes!


If its a pool we’ll remove it! Give us a ring at 732-542-4685 and get your pool removal started today.